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Jul 26, 2021
Pesquisa de campo no Benin; Língua Fon; Sociolinguística Interacional; Code Switching.


The purpose of this proposal is to bring our experience of data collection, within the scope of the realization of our master's project, directed in the line of research of Interactional Sociolinguistics (HANKS, 2008). In effect, from December (2018) to March (2019) and from June (2019) to August of the same year, we developed fieldwork in the Republic of Benin, in the FON-speaking community, in three historic, cultural and linguistically representative cities in the Country, with the purpose of investigating the phenomenon of Code Switching (CS) between Fongbé or Fon and the French. Our foray into the field led us to experience unprecedented and extraordinary situations that strengthened our personal, academic growth, and, above all, provided the fulfillment of our research purpose. Thus, the discussion of this work will unfold based on these questions: how was it to collect interaction data within this community? And what do we need to know to fulfill that purpose? The references of this study are, among others, Angrosino (2009), Gil (2002).

Alban Aminou Zossou
How to Cite
Zossou, A. A. (2021). For a Socio-Interactional Ethnographic Incursion: Cultural Understanding and Adequacy. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (48). Retrieved from


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