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Nov 23, 2023
Strategies of learning, metacognition, process of education and learning, educational reform


One of the great changes that have taken place at world-wide level, in the conceptions of educational policy, is to transfer the importance that has occurred to education towards the learning and its processes him. In this new millenium the primary target of education is to worry to us reason why it happens in the processes of the learning to obtain improvements in the results and that the student learns, to make effective this focus means to change the education qualitatively. A form to make effective this focus is by means of the metacognition, that says us how the student works when read, takes care of, memoriza, writes, etc., with the purpose of discovering the learning strategies, to help the students to learn to learn, enabling them to generate new resources and of this form to generate new strategies to learn. It is important to give to the students the tools rather or the strategies that can use for being able to obtain a greater learning.
Within the framework of this thesis, the metacognition will be analyzed and some strategies of learning so that the student is able to use most suitable according to the one than are more  effective to him as far as learning.

Leontina Lazo S.
Andrea Alcaíno A.

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