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Nov 23, 2023
Didactic Transposition, Epistemological Analysis, Didactic Analysis, Ontological Principies, Conceptual Principies


Once fullfilled the stage of the initial spreading of the Didactic Transposition, it is necessary to go deepler in better use of their essential components. First, because it is necessary to make them explicit both, in their meanning as in their action ; secondly , for the reliableness that the Transposition will have in the future given its fundamental role in the formulation and structure of new curricula. It will be looked for a major inclussiveness without losing essence in the knowledge to be taught. This is the obliged resultant , according to the immeasurable extensión reached by the current lores, and whose inmediate consequences is the searching of the origin of the unifying principies that allow to articúlate them. It is here that emerges the need of an Epistemological Analysis which indicates with rigor the stages of development that has reached the above mentioned knowledge, together with the repective epistemological , ontological and conceptual
principies , delivering thus the best guidelines for the subsequent Didactic Analysis. Exemplifying, we take as referring to the Chemical Equilibrium , a basic topic that has been exposed to the didactic dysfunction during decades , because of the absence of the pertinent epistemological considerations that correspond to it.

Ramón L. Espinoza R.
Mercedes A. Salfate S.
How to Cite
Espinoza R., R. L., & Salfate S., M. A. (2023). CONSIDERACIONES EPISTEMOLÓGICAS EN LA ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS: UNA PROYECCIÓN AL EQUILIBRIO QUÍMICO. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 5(1), 75–84. Retrieved from

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