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Jun 21, 2019
Theatre, pedagogy, SFL, Federico García Lorca, Blood Wedding


This article provides an insight into the theatre workshop project in a Spanish as a Foreign Language class as a way to promote cultural knowledge about Spain (past and present), as well as deepening into advanced Spanish grammar, and reinforcing oral and written language skills (conversation and composition) in the target language. The workshop is integrated in a general course of Spanish as a foreign language whose lingua franca is Spanish itself. The workshop is targeted at undergraduate upper-intermediate college students and aims the reading and analysis of Federico García Lorca´s work Bodas de sangre (Blood Wedding), and the dramatic representation of a number of creative adaptations of the original text written by the students themselves in which they expose and analyze a particular cultural element of their choice.

Betsabé Navarro
How to Cite
Navarro, B. (2019). Teaching Culture through Theatre: Federico García Lorca’s Blood Wedding. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (45). Retrieved from


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