ICT ínTegraTíon ín THe Traíníng oF proFessíonaL sKíLLs For ínTervíews wíTH cHíLDren ín SocíaL WorK
Loreto Castillo Collado, Andrea Comelin Fornés
Indicators of the tv viewers’ profile: a transcultural study
Humberto Gómez Ortiz, Antonia Luza Gómez
The learning of german as a foreign language: UMCE Students, first term 2013
Ángel Bascuñán Valenzuela
Easier said than done in the assessment of learning at the university: the convenience of assessing through authentic tasks
Margarita Opazo Salvatierra, María Luisa Pérez Cabani, Alejandro Sepúlveda Obreque