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Apr 12, 2022
Alétheia, veritas, inner truth, amazement, belief


Thispaper, which constitutes an introduction to a seminar with the same ñame,
is articulated in four parts: L- Reflections aloud, 2.- Alétheia, 3.- Veritas and
verum, 4.- As conclusión. The first andfourth parts are a meditation, introductive
and conclusive respectively, about the issue o f truth. They start from personal
considerations and extend until they reach a general visión o f the issue as it is
presented in present society. The second is a general look at the way o f sensing the
truth in Greece, as the discovery o f self in its entirety. The third, a synthetic visión
o f the way o f sensing it, in Rome, in relation to belief and confidence, with what is
certain andpermanent.
In both cases, we are dealing with a definition which perfectly fits the
idiosyncrasy o f both peoples.

Giuseppina Grammatico
How to Cite
Grammatico, G. (2022). Alétheia and veritas. Iter, (13), 17–33. Retrieved from

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