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Oct 13, 2022


The transitions to democracy in times of post military dictatorships got converted in an interesting theme of study for Social and Political Sciences, However, there are comparison elements in occident that permit developing to the ends of XX century, a relationship between político social transitions in Spain and Chile because of the existence of a variety of similarity points in both historical situations. In this respect,
one of the aspects, maybe less investigated in these político social processes is the educative treatment to this part of the Recent History and that why this analysis is focused in the educative themes since history, especially in its objective; young people today, that is to say, the ones who doesn't live the history and also must followed the institutionalized texts of study that Ministry of Education developed for the teaching of history in the respective countries. The objective of this piece of work is to analyze this texts and specifically the comparison of the educative levels proposed for treating this themes and determine the possible relationships in the didactic of the study texts.

Patricio Rivera Olguín
How to Cite
Rivera Olguín, P. (2022). Transición y Educación, las transiciones a la democracia :: Comentarios desde la pedagogía de la historia. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (10), 37–48. Retrieved from


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