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Jun 1, 2023
Aprendizaje- Servicio, Integración Curricular de TIC, Proyectos Solidarios, Competencias TIC, Docentes y alumnos, Informática Educativa.


The project, “Technology and Leaming Service in Rural Communities”, corresponds to a pilot program developed in 2007 by The Computer Technology in Education Center (“Centro de Informática Educativa - PUC”). The object of the initiative was to modify educational tasks by inter-relating the Júnior School Curriculum (mainly the Language, Mathematics and Science sectors) with Information and Communication Technology. The latter was linked by way of the Learning Service Methodology . Concurrently, research was carried out in order to assess the way in which Technology in the Classroom, encompassed by the Learning Service (“APS”), ensured teaching improvement. This was attested by the development of various abilities and/or competencies; cognitive (curricular) ones as well as procedural (in the use of technological tools), and attitudinal (pro-social) ones which also helped strengthen the identities of both teachers and lst Grade to 6* Grade students with regards to their rural culture.

Valeria Elizabeth Guajardo Quintanilla
Rodrigo Erick Ortega Mierzejewski
How to Cite
Guajardo Quintanilla, V. E., & Ortega Mierzejewski, R. E. (2023). Technologies and learning service in rural communities. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 315–328. Retrieved from


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