The Educational Perspectives Magazine (REPED) of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences (UMCE), which emerged in 2003, has published ten issues in printed format until 2009. Starting in 2023 and considering current challenges, it will be republished in electronic format, with the constitution of a new editorial team.

REPED is an academic-professional magazine aiming to disseminate the intellectual production developed within the framework of postgraduate training in education. It is a space for disseminating knowledge construction processes on emerging and contingent topics, exploring new challenges, and searching for creative ways to communicate knowledge in education for students and teachers of Master's and Doctorate Programs in Education and related disciplines.

It collects original works that raise discussions, reflections, bibliographic systematizations, field records, preliminary research projects, methodological discussions, and innovation proposals. All of them developed in postgraduate training.

It publishes unpublished works in Spanish and English, the official languages of the publication.

It is a magazine published biannually, two issues a year, and receives articles yearly.

REPED has an Editorial Committee overseeing the editorial policy and managing the processes of reception, evaluation, editing, and publication of works. It has a Scientific Committee made up of experts in education with recognized experience, who advise the editorial policy and supervise the quality and development of the Magazine. It has a team of collaborators, including postgraduate teachers in education, who are in charge of reviewing and evaluating the works.

Accepted papers are published digitally on the electronic platform Open Journal Systems (OJS).



It is a publication in education focused on innovation and exploring topics developed in Postgraduate Programs that address problems, transformations, and challenges specific to the educational field.

It is aimed at students, teachers, researchers, and professionals in education or related areas participating in postgraduate training.



Education topics are addressed: pedagogy, curriculum, didactics, methodologies, evaluation, school, higher and continuing education, educational policies, human rights, inclusion/exclusion, gender, interculturality, and educational research, in addition to social, cultural, philosophical, sociological, anthropological challenges and other emerging problems.



REPED accepts different formats to communicate the problems, transformations, challenges, and advances of the educational field, such as:

  • Research articles.
  • Essays.
  • Communication of experiences for learning.
  • Communication of evaluation processes for the quality of learning.
  • Bibliographic reviews.



REPED receives articles throughout the year. The only way to receive articles is through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform at the following link:


Shipping of articles

As it is a digital format magazine, you must register as a user at the following link:   REGISTER

The presentation of work requires the sending of three files in word format:

Article. It must be presented anonymized.
Authorship data (Download form)
Declaration of originality (Download form)


The manuscript, whether individually or collectively authored, must be uploaded on the platform by its primary author, who will be notified of its receipt.

The Editorial Committee will decide whether the work falls within the editorial line and the sections it covers and whether it complies with the different technical and formal aspects indicated in the rules for authors. The works that pass this first stage will be reviewed by at least two external evaluators, experts in the subject of the work. The evaluators will judge the appropriateness of its publication and may also suggest corrections. The review method used is double-anonymized. In case of discrepancy between the evaluators, the Editorial Committee decides.

The evaluators will report the evaluation result, accepting it with or without objections and making suggestions, if any. If required, the primary author will be informed of the evaluation result and will have ten business days to make the corresponding corrections.

The result of the evaluation process is expressed using the following terms:

  1. Accepted without changes.
  2. Accepted with minor changes.
  3. Accepted with significant changes.
  4. Rejected.


The Editorial Committee will verify that the observations requested by the evaluators are corrected.

The principal author will be notified once the manuscript is accepted for publication. If the manuscript is rejected, the author will be informed of why the work was not admitted, according to the peer evaluation report.

The manuscript and the evaluators' report are confidential documents. They are exclusively known to the Editorial Committee, who will send the final report incorporating the comments and conclusions of the review process to the primary author.

The author can follow the evaluation process of his/her article at the web address in the "status of articles" section, where the publication date is indicated. Reception, sending to reviewers, acceptance, and publication.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to adjust the work based on the edition for the final publication prior to communication with the author.

Once the evaluation and editing of works are completed, they are published in electronic format on the Open Journal Systems platform.

The contents and opinions expressed in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of the respective authors.

All communication with the authors is carried out through the Journal'sJournal's email:



REPED's publication frequency is semiannual, with two issues per year, and it receives articles yearly.



Authors may send their articles to this journal free of charge for publication. Users may read, copy, distribute, and use the contents in partial and extensive terms for scientific and pedagogical use, as long as the citation of the source is respected. of origin: the author, the name of the Educational Perspectives Magazine, and the Creative Commons license.



Those authors who have publications in REPED accept the following terms:

  • They retain their authorship rights that guarantee the Magazine the right to the first publication of their work, which is subject to the Creative Commons (CC) License of the Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 type. This issue allows third parties to share it as long as their authorship and reference to the Perspectivas Educacionales Magazine are indicated.
  • The works published here cannot be used for commercial purposes, nor can derivative works be made from them. The full license is available in detail at



Following the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) standard, REPED publishes articles with high standards of quality and ethics, reflected in all stages of publication and for all members of the Journal. (author, Editorial Team, evaluators).

Unethical conduct must be reported to the Journal of Management upon recognition. Such conduct implies rejection of the manuscript.



The Journal asks the authors to declare a possible conflict of interest, either due to the content of the communication or due to a possible evaluator.