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May 22, 2023


During centuries, the man has gone evolving with passing of the time through his coexistence inside groups and his interaction with different individuáis of a society. This evolution embraces economic, political, social and cultural aspects.
ll is important to mention that inside this evolution factors are involved like they are it: the psychological one, the spiritual one, the personnel. Related with these factors we find the separation of the estrés, the maintenance of the  concentration, the formation of valúes, the challenge of beliefs that you/they influence in the execution of goals, the balance among the personal life and the private one, the appropriale handling of the emotions. However, it is not simple for the man to fight appropriately with all those factors to those which daily has to face, for what enters in conflict with their behavior and the acting like individual in the different environments of a society in occasions. For such a reason
I have wanted to give to know how, through investigations made by experts in professional areas as the psychology, the education and the leaming, it has been possible to develop a management system that she/he has helped the individual to negotiate their personal life or professional. This system is denominalcd Coaching.

Daniel Serey A.
How to Cite
Serey A., D. (2023). Las nuevas herramientas didácticas para el liderazgo educativo: el coaching aplicado a la educación. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (8), 43–54. Retrieved from


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