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May 17, 2024
military dictatorship
oral history


The current advance of research was developed in the context of the project “Among Mendoza teachers: conversation to enhance the visibility of other memories around the history of education in Mendoza”, financed by the SIIP-UNCuyo. We formed an interdisciplinary investigation group and using a research methodology based on oral history; we researched the experiences of teachers from Mendoza who worked during the second half of the 20th century. In this paper, we try to focus on the testimonies and the forgetfulness that arose related to the last Argentine civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983). The questions that lead this investigation of memory and forgetting are the following: In the school institutions, are we in the presence of forgetting mechanisms? Are these problems of transmission or problems of traumatic memories? The forgetfulness is part of the historicity regimes of the late 20th century?

Cintia Bonomo
Romina Mozzicafredo
How to Cite
Bonomo, C., & Mozzicafredo, R. (2024). Memories and forgetfulness of the last dictatorship in Mendoza teachers. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (53), 140–150. Retrieved from


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Grabaciones y transcripciones de entrevistas individuales y colectivas a maestras mendocinas entre 2016 y 2020.

Proyectos: Conversaciones con maestras mendocinas: imaginarios, experiencias y políticas en tensión en las prácticas docentes entre las décadas de 1960 y 1980 (UNCuyo) y Más conversaciones con maestras mendocinas: imaginarios, experiencias y políticas en tensión en las prácticas docentes en la segunda mitad del siglo XX (UNCuyo)

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