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Apr 12, 2023
Permanganatometry, dicromatometry, adjustment of redox equations, stoichiometric calculations, analyte concentration


This paper presents two analy tical cases of redox titration, where analytical chemistrystudents have difficulty quantifying the sample problems, because the analyte and the titrant have a different stoichiometric ratio from (1: 1). The cases are: Determination of organic carbón in soil by dicromatometry and determination of oxygenated water volumes by permanganatometry.
The learning of students in these subjects, are achieved if the contents are reinforced prior to the corresponding laboratories.As adjustments of the redox equations involved in the analysis and mmoles calculations, moles, grams between the oxidant and reducer from the final equation and determining the amount of the analyte from the titration aliquot to the present quantity of the
analyte in the upper volume or mass of the test sample.

Sergio Hernández H.
Carolina Burboa V.

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