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Apr 13, 2023
adidactic situation, chance, decisión making, uncertainty, randomness


This article presents episodes of a math class, in a 20 girls class, between 10 and 11 years oíd. The class is based on the notion of randomness, key concept for understanding and teaching of probability. Didactic analysis of Chilean study programs, reveáis that students fail to develop skills to build this notion and recognize the nature of phenomena involving. This study reports
the analysis of productions of 10-year-old girls, based on the Theory of Didactic Situations (TSD), that initiated the construction of the notion of chance and decisión making under uncertainty. The situation is a game, that is the means by which access to these notions, in adidactica situation. This has been taken from the study carried out by the group experimental IREM Franche
Comté (2007) and implemented in Chile. One of the results is that the model of class management evidence are different phases that allow girls to recognize in the child language the random nature of the game. This model is also relevant to any level of school and even university education.

Teresita Méndez Olave

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