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Nov 23, 2023
Didactic Proposal, Conceptualization, Gravitational Interaction, Learning, Teaching


This article presents a didactic proposal for the learning of gravitational interaction implemented with 15-year-old-students of pre-university education level in Argentina. A set of preliminary
studies, which included the analysis of the implementation of the concept “interaction” in the texts commonly used in Sciences classes (either in university or pre-university levels); the gathering
of teacher’s opinions about the role and meaning of the concept “interaction” in Physics curriculum; and the identification of student’s ideas (from different educational levels) about the concept named before, were made in order to determine the State of the situation. The results of these studies are useful as a reason to decide which contents shall be included, how to perform the design of the activities to inelude, and which evaluation style to implement in the didactic proposal here communicated. The analyses of the results of the implementation have shown an evolution in studenf s conceptualizations towards the scientifically accorded ways.

María Silvia Stipcich
Marco Antonio Moreira
Concesa Caballero S.
How to Cite
Stipcich, M. S., Moreira, M. A., & Caballero S., C. (2023). UNA PROPUESTA DIDÁCTICA PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DE LA INTERACCIÓN GRAVITATORIA. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 5(1), 3–10. Retrieved from

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