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Nov 23, 2023
Teachers education. Argumentation. Scientific knowledge construction. School knowledge construction


This article is aimed to give reasons for including contents about argumentation in Science teachers’ instruction. It is assumed that action on teacher’s education and training needs theoretical  foundation because if they were successfully, will allow a deeper change by means of accurate theoretical bases. The conception of professional teacher used in this work is explicited and a theoretical framework that could inelude argumentation as part of teacher training in describbed. Finally, the results of a revisión on educational research articles about argumentation is commented and analyzed. These articles show the potential of argumentative discourse as a meanings negotiation space for knowledge building in and about Science. In that space, teacher is the decisive factor in trying students’ arguments to evolve toward scientifícally accepted forms.

Stella Islas
Silvia Stipcich
Alejandra Domínguez
How to Cite
Islas, S., Stipcich, S., & Domínguez, A. (2023). EL LUGAR DE LA ARGUMENTACIÓN EN LA FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES DE CIENCIAS. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 5(1), 67–74. Retrieved from

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