"Casita-Hogar in my Kindergarten" program to develop autonomy in children of 5 years of the initial level Simbal district
Norma Ruth Lázaro Cabanillas
Completion of studies in higher education: an unexplored space?
Lorna Cruz Rizo, Eneida Catalina Matos Hernández
Strengthening written communicative competence in first year students of spanish teacher-training through a tutorial strategy among peers
Gabriel Sebastián Valdés León, Miguel Ángel Mendoza Farías, Karina Galaz Azócar
Innovation in the teaching of statistics
Edgar Fabián Torres Hernández
Characterization of images in light of scientific writings
Flor Arnal Bandres, Rafael Mata Caraballo
Emotionality of the hemato-oncology patient at child age and his family circle from a transformative perspective in the recreational context
Any Sofía Montero Sopilca, Albany Andreina García