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Oct 20, 2022
School, Build Democratic Classrooms, Innovation, Mitial Teaching Training, Curriculum, Teacher, Educationalist, Knowledge Democratic Build.


This paper is about the important and need to introduce democratic practices in the classroom, as a way to build knowledge at school. Consenquently, teaching formation becomes a fundamental issue lo get competences to start democratic practices in future teachers. Furthermore, it is evident how important it is to edúcate reflective and critical knowledge builder children at school. Similarly, teaching innovation is seen as a tool to make constructive practices of a comprehensive school.

Marcela Betancourt Sáez
How to Cite
Betancourt Sáez, M. (2022). Construcción democrática del conocimiento; una práctica de aula. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (10), 367–377. Retrieved from

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