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May 22, 2023
Insigh, Coaching, Coache, Self.


The work of the counselor acquires a new procedure that affords to understand problems that faces teenagers.
Solving teenager anxieties, facing awareness of this weaknesses and listening to himself and from himself to accept himself and accept that change exist if he wants to it is part of his way of living.
With counselor assistances the teenager allows to admit that he had wrong, his choices have been the right ones and facing his same problems or similar ones from another point of view.
The professional helps the troubled teenager in his process. He renews his pedagogical practice and the sludents learn to solve problems: one and another grow in this process.

María Cristina Abarca Parra
How to Cite
Abarca Parra, M. C. (2023). Facilitar la toma de conciencia mediante el coaching. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (8), 55–58. Retrieved from


Husserl, Edmundo (1997). La posibilidad de la fenomenología. Editorial Complutense. Madrid. España.
De la Plaza, Javiera (2007). La inteligencia asertiva. Editorial Zig Zag. Santiago de Chile.

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