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Jun 1, 2023
Adults Education, Curricular Reform, Education that means freedom by itself, itself, Dialogue, Critic.


Education for everyone, education in any stage of our lifes, this are the words that reach our minds when we mention EDUCATION, but of what kind of education are we talking about? of an education that means freedom by itself or
the perpetuation of a system? in Chile we are reaching the climax in the educational reform, being the last part of it lacking and unfinished, the adults education (EDA), that is lacking and failing of a methodology of its own and that agrees with the demands of the young and adults that intégrate the CEIA's and the vespertine schools
In the present article you will find an oíd proposal, but at the same time updated to the EDA reality of our country, being proposed and maybe one of the possible ways of a real curricular appropriation of the adults education.

Richard Parra
lennifer Singer
How to Cite
Parra, R., & Singer, lennifer. (2023). Segunda oportunidad. Volver a estudiar. Comenzar de nuevo.: un re-enfoque de la educación de adultos en Chile. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 97–103. Retrieved from


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