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Jun 1, 2023
Initial formation, Integrated and holistic didactics, Innovation, Languages and Cultures, Theatre.


Drama, yoga and language workshop: a strategic space to make more professional the languages teachers.
In a context of economic growth that permits Chile to get out from its isolationism, Chilean education system is changing its course.
In 2004, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperación and Development) said:” Chile will not be able to give a high quality education because of the inadequate training that the teachers receive.”
Inside the compartment and the lineal territory of the school disciplines, French language appears also as a lost cause in Chile, an emergent portion of the didactics iceberg that is suffering. The teacher training is below what education system demands and below what the students need in the initial formation.
So, the bet is to change the problematic of the French language eviction out of the Chilean education system for a professional resource into the teacher training. It’s also an urgent need for the Chilean teacher training that is wounded and lying on the edge of the education system’s way.

Marie Noëlle Antoine
How to Cite
Noëlle Antoine, M. (2023). Taller teatro yoga e idioma(s): Espacio estratégico para la profesionalización de los profesores. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 197–207. Retrieved from


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