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Jul 19, 2022
Learning Styles, Kolb, CHAEA, physical education


A model very used to study the styles of learning is that of Honey-Alonso (1991), who proposes four styles of perceiving and processing the information: active, reflexive, theoretical and pragmatic, which measure up across the Questionnaire Honey-Alonso of Styles of Learning (CHAEA). In diverse research (Alonso, Gallego and Honey, 1999; Rodríguez, 2006; Escurra, 2011, etc.) one shows indexes of reliability high places and factorials analysis that show construct validity of the CHAEA. The present study showed values of reliability of the CHAEA in students of physical education of 0,616 for the active style, 0,642 for the reflexive, 0,524 for the theoretical and 0,531 for the pragmatic. The index of global reliability of the questionnaire was of 0,653. The analysis factorial of every style of learning shows construct validity for all of them. Finally, the instrument seems to be adapted to determine the styles of learning of the students of physical education.

Fernando Maureira Cid
How to Cite
Maureira Cid, F. (2022). Validity and reliability of the chaea in students of physical education of Chile. Revista Educación Física Chile, 82(271). Retrieved from


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