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Dec 19, 2022
Gender Offices, Universities, Pedagogy, Physical Education


Introduction: in recent times, work has been done for gender equality in various university levels, which has promoted the formation of gender offices, units or commissions in Latin American universities. Objective: determine the participation of Physical Education professionals in the gender offices/departments of Chilean universities. Methods: For this, all the web pages of the country's universities were reviewed during the month of December 2021. Results: show that, of 51 institutions, 24 have this information. 90.8% of the members of gender offices are women, with psychology and sociology being the most recurrent professions. Only 4.6% of professionals are teachers and there is no representative from the area of ​​Physical Education. Conclusion: that the incorporation of these professionals in these offices is necessary, due to the great reflective and pedagogical contribution that they could deliver, since these professionals have a special connection with their students, inviting them to promote self-perception, corporal expression, emotional intelligence, empathy, self-motivation, etc. Elements that could be a support in the gender offices of Chilean universities.

Elizabeth Flores Ferro
Fernando Maureira Cid
Douglas Paredes Araya
How to Cite
Flores Ferro, E., Maureira Cid, F., & Paredes Araya, D. (2022). Absence of Physical Education professionals in Gender Offices/Departments in Chilean Universities. Revista Educación Física Chile, (275). Retrieved from


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