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Jul 4, 2024
Intelligence Quotient
Progressive Matrices
Physical Education


The aim of the present research was to know and establish scales of the results obtained with the Raven progressive matrices test in a sample of physical education students from various universities in Chile. 491 students from three universities in Santiago de Chile were evaluated. The results show that Figure A4 and B3 were 100% successful, while Figure E8 was only 10.4% correct. There were no significant differences in Raven scores between women and men, between public and private universities, or between years of study. The 25th percentile was 43 points, the 50th percentile was 47 points and the 75th percentile was 51 points. We conclude that the results obtained in the present study are similar to those reported in previous studies in physical education students.

Fernando Maureira Cid
How to Cite
Maureira Cid, F. (2024). Intellectual Quotient of Physical Education Students of Santiago de Chile. Revista Educación Física Chile, (279). Retrieved from


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