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jun 21, 2019
Identity, stigma, drama pedagogy, Paloma Pedrero, La llamada de Lauren


This article studies identity formation and performance in Paloma Pedrero’s La llamada de Lauren… (1984). It explores the intersection of sex, gender, and sexuality in the intimate space of marriage. The private space of Pedro and Rosa’s apartment reveals the challenges posed by societal norms and expectations which extend into private exchanges. This topic is discussed in the context of teaching Spanish as a second language to advanced students of the language. It also offers pedagogical exercises for implementing the play in intermediate to advanced courses of second language acquisition.

Karla P. Zepeda
Como Citar
Zepeda, K. P. (2019). Identity and Performance in Paloma Pedrero’s La llamada de Lauren…. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (45). Recuperado de


Não há dados estatísticos.


Baumeister, Roy F. 1986. Identity: Cultural Change and the Struggle for Self. New York, USA: Oxford.

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Goffman, Erving. 1977. “The Arrangement between the Sexes.” Theory and Society 4.3: 301-331.

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Harris, Carolyn J. 1994. “La experiencia femenina en escena: Besos de loboy El color de agosto de Paloma Pedrero. Confluencia10.1: 118-124.

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Marvasti, Amir. 2006. "Being Middle Eastern American: Identity Negotiation in the Context of the War on Terror." Symbolic Interaction28.4: 525-47

Pedrero, Paloma. 1987. La llamada de Lauren... Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Machado.

-----. “María Gray entrevista a Paloma Pedrero.” UnirTV, uploaded by UnirTV,

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