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Jul 21, 2022
nineteenth-century migrant subjects, migrant discourse, political use of language, translation strategy, translator’s metadiscourse.


This article aims to analyze the translator’s metadiscourse used by Flora Tristan (1803-1844) and Servando Teresa de Mier (1765-1827) in Peregrinaciones de una paria (2010 [1838]) and in Memorias (1917 [1876]), respectively. To be more precise, I propose an analysis of the recourse to literal translation declared by both authors when commenting on their translations of Pio Tristan's letter, on the one hand, and of Atala, by Chateaubriand, on the other. For this purpose, I have resorted to the categories of "heterogeneity" and "migrancy" developed by Antonio Cornejo Polar (1936-1997). In this way, based on the analysis of the migrant experiences of Flora Tristan and Servando Teresa de Mier, I problematize the political implications of the use of language in the works of these two nineteenth-century migrant subjects.

Diego Orlando Ávila López
How to Cite
Ávila López, D. O. (2022). Fictions of Literality and Tricks of Translation: Flora Tristan and Servando Teresa de Mier in Their Migrant Languages. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (50), 1–24. Retrieved from


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