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Jun 28, 2022
Participation of parents - quality of education – teachers - elementary school


The opinion of a group of teachers of an official elementary school about the participation of parents, highlights the distance that may exist between educational ideals regarding the important role that is given to the involvement of families in schools and the results that are found in educational processes when a very particular form of intervention by families prevails. Although various researches recognize the benefits of parental involvement in the educational processes promoted by schools, the perception of the teachers manifested in the meetings of the Technical School Council (CTE) indicate the existence of styles of parental participation that seems to enforce an ethical relativism that violates the right to quality education that their children deserve.

María Guadalupe Valdés Dávila
How to Cite
Valdés Dávila, M. G. (2022). Parental participation and right to quality education. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 19(35), 14–35. Retrieved from


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