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Apr 16, 2024
Educación Parvularia, Aprendizaje Servicio, Migrantes, Responsabilidad Social.


Education is the main force of social transformation, a motivational conception from which the educational project is established in the Early Childhood Education career of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), whose main purpose is to mainstream the training in social responsibility of its students, identity seal of their graduation profile, through the Service Learning methodology

This Service Learning project is carried out during the second semester of 2022 with two Local Public Education Service (SLEP Valparaíso) practice centers, where the participating students deploy their prosocial leadership capabilities during the participatory diagnosis processes of the real and felt needs of boys/girls, families, teams and educational community; and their metacognitive capacities in the reflective processes around the ethical dilemmas that arise at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and community level, related to inclusion, diversity and interculturality of the educational reality.

In this way, the aim is to raise awareness, value and integrate social responsibility in professional practice around migration, and consequently, training in the values of respect for the dignity of others, the search for the common good, solidarity justice, the systematic encounter and co-construction of learning and well-being opportunities with/in the entire educational community.

Rosa Elizabeth Arias Bruna
Gladys Jiménez Alvarado
How to Cite
Arias Bruna, R. E., & Jiménez Alvarado, G. (2024). TRAINING OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE EARLY EDUCATORS FROM LEARNING AND SERVICE FOCUSED ON MIGRANT CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 21(42-43). Retrieved from


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