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Sep 25, 2023
Constructivism, Objective reality, cognition


In this article a critical analysis of the philosophical foundations of the cali constructivism is made, its implications in the teaching in general and in the teaching of the Science in particular. This  critic is based on the own formulations made by the creators of this ideology and for the positions of some of its followers. The emphasis puts on in the conception of the constructivism about the objective reality and the supposed impossibility of knowing the truth. It is also demonstrated the myth that thinkers like Vigotsky and Piaget are constructivist, since they are previous to the invention of the constructivism and because their main ones postulated are not not only constructivist, but on the contrary they are located in a completely opposed doctrinal conception.

Guillermo Avendaño C.
How to Cite
Avendaño C., G. (2023). LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA CIENCIA Y EL MITO DEL CONSTRUCTIVISMO. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 2(1), 40–46. Retrieved from

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