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Jun 1, 2023
Professional Practice/ Inclution / Progressive Process/ Reflections/ Professional Teaching.


The Professional Practice of Primary Educational Pedagogy of the University of Playa Ancha is understood as an introduction into a particular educational reality, taking charge of the professional teaching responsibility on the learning processes of one chosen class. It is known for being inclusive, reflexive and Progressive, contributing to the construction of professionalism in teaching.
This article explains both the different stages and the conceptual terms of references of the practice, such as a Good Teaching Framework, moreover it gives evidence of the evaluative process as presented from a qualitative perspective exemplifying the Professional Practice features based on reflections extracted from student experience.

Marta Castañeda Meneses
Alejandro Verdugo Peñaloza
How to Cite
Castañeda Meneses, M., & Verdugo Peñaloza, A. (2023). La Experiencia de práctica profesional en la carrera de pedagogía en educación básica de la Universidad de Playa Ancha. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 43–52. Retrieved from


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Arancibia Hidalgo Elizabeth / Corrotea Saldivar Marcela/ Gómez Suazo Carolina/ Orellana Valencia, Verónica / Rodríguez Segura Marcia/ Ugalde Orellana, Millalén Informe Final de Práctica Carrera Educación Básica Universidad de Playa Ancha 2007- 2008 (EPP 01)

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