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Oct 20, 2022
Lectura, Escritura, Prácticas pedagógicas, Articulación curricular.


This work shows the first stage of action research project called “teaching practices that promote leaming of written language in municipal  schools, funded by the Metropolitan University of Education (FIE 7/2009-2010).
This phase was aimed to develop a participatory analysis to describe and analyze teaching practices implemented by pre-school teachers and teachers from first grade to improve leaming of written language in children attending municipal schools.
In this article, will be released, the purposes and characteristics of the legwork, the interpretive analysis made from the categories raised in the first phase. Finally, some conclusions will be issued from the study. 

María Cristina Ponce Carrasco
Sandra Morales Soto
Jessica Mardones Opazo
María José Ascencio Maldonado
How to Cite
Ponce Carrasco, M. C., Morales Soto, S., Mardones Opazo, J., & Ascencio Maldonado, M. J. (2022). Prácticas pedagógicas que promueven el aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito en escuelas municipales: Diagnóstico participativo. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (10), 299–323. Retrieved from

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