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Apr 20, 2023
Blindness, social construction, gender, sexuality


Blindness is a problem about which there is scarce. But infortunately it is even fewer when the mechanisms of human interrelation that allow the construction of relating codes to the sexuality are involved. The main reason this investigation was sustained in the lack of theoretical information that bases the about the sexuality of the people. The ignorance of the elements that Ínter act in the social construction and the generic identity o f these young persons. The purpose of this investigation has been to know the narrative of young blind men and women with different educational level about the problem gender identity.

Graciela Ezzatti San Martín
How to Cite
Ezzatti San Martín, G. (2023). Aproximación a la construcción de la identidad de género en jóvenes ciegos. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (5), 43–51. Retrieved from


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