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May 22, 2023
Learning, Medialion, Resolution of Conflicts, Gender, Educational Practices.


lt is known that the leaming’s in the classroom are based on the mediation. However, often an involunlary mediation of femininity and masculinily takes to learnings of resolution of conflicts in a violent form that you/they are expressed in fullness in the adolescence exists. At the present time, the relationships among genders are unequal and they put in relevance the discrimination and the gendcrs physical violence and symbolic toward women. The learning’s of resolution of conflicts begins in the first years of educalion and they are expressed in Ihe adolescence, being in the educational practices where the learning’s are mediated by the relationships between women and men. To sludy the génesis and the mainlenance of the learning’s of resolution of conflicts many give elemenis lo propose medialion strategies of these. This sponsored by quince propagating culture of peace and respect to the diversily. This report seeks lo express the preliminary results on an invesligalion about the mediation of resolution of conflicts among genders in the educational practices of Chilean secondary educalion.

Graciela Ezzatti San Martín
How to Cite
Ezzatti San Martín, G. (2023). Diagnóstico de la génesis y mantenimiento de los aprendizajes de resolución de conflictos entre géneros como vía para la creación de una cultura de paz, hallazgos preliminares: Strategies of resolution of conflicts among gender in education like via for a culture of peace. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (8), 69–76. Retrieved from


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