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Jun 1, 2023
Information and Communication Technology, Educational establishments, Curriculum.


When the implications that exist between education and the society of information are discussed, it is common to refer to the characteristics of the latter. These inelude the duplication of the amount of knowledge that has to be processed, the transformation of communication systems, the challenges of the environment, and the tremendous speed at which these changes take place. However, an analysis of the requirements and competencies that our students need to possess in order to become critical and participating citizens of society is seldom made.
When reflecting on this situation, it is important to determine the role of educational establishments and to what degree Information and Communication Technology (“Tecnologías de la Información, TIC") should play a part in the curriculum. Since there are many kinds of schools, it would be ambitious to postúlate how they ought to inelude such tools in their diverse teaching contexts. Nevertheless, suggestions can be made with regards to the topics to be discussed and variables to be considered in order to progress from merely incorporating Information and Communication Technology to fully integrating it into the curriculum.

Lila Beatriz Cortés Díaz
How to Cite
Cortés Díaz, L. B. (2023). Integración curricular de las TIC ¿desafío del siglo XXI?. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 297–302. Retrieved from


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