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Jun 1, 2023
Action Science, Physics, Forces, Motion, Simple Machines.


Action Science is an active leaming methodology for teaching physics concepts built around student interests such as skateboarding and bicycle motocross (BMX). The phrase “action Science” can be defined as the use of familiar objects, circumstances and situations within the lives of students in order to explain specific concepts in Science. One new idea in this area is Dr. Skateboard’s Action Science, a DVD with classroom activities and video instruction taken from demonstrations in schools and different settings in order to facilítate the learning of Science concepts such as motion, forces, energy and simple machines in these sports.

William H. Robertson
How to Cite
Robertson, W. H. (2023). Skateboard : ciencia de acción de doctor skateboard: Educación transformativa en física. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 343–350. Retrieved from


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