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Oct 28, 2022
Didactics of Mathematics and Sciences, Initial Training of Teachers of Mathematics and Sciences


The 2021 version of WTIC UMCE is reported. Experiences of initial teacher training in mathematics and science implemented in national universities were reviewed, allowing to observe and reflect on the problems faced in relation to technology in the current context. These problems are renewed by factors that are exogenous to the school system and others that are specific to it. Technology needs to be thought on the basis of mathematical or scientific, instrumental and didactic problems, in terms of pedagogical and didactic work, which is propitiated by the wide ecosystem of currently available resources.

Guillermo Arancibia C.
Mariela Carvacho B.
Jorge Gaona P.
Tatiana Urzúa LL.
Juan Espinoza O.
Monika Dockendorff
Carlos Martínez M.
Paola Ramírez
How to Cite
Arancibia C., G., Carvacho B., M., Gaona P., J., Urzúa LL., T., Espinoza O., J., Dockendorff, M., … Ramírez, P. (2022). THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN MATH AND SCIENCE TEACHER TRAINING, A RENEWED PROBLEM. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 22(2), 24–42. Retrieved from

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