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Jun 1, 2023
School integration, Social Representations, Students who have disabilities, Educational Spetial Needs (NEE)


This article addresses some of the results obtained from research conducted during 2003 and 2005 within a group of teachers of basic education in the communities of Ñuñoa and Macul, aiming to understand the Social Representations about integration to the regular school of students who have disabilities.
Currently, the school integration is one of the most hotly debated matter not only in the area of special education, but also in a regular school. The controversy is no less complex and involves wider issues such as the type of society in which we live, the conceptions about the quality of leaming for all students and even more specific and technical issues involving economic decisions and curriculum among others.
To make this educational modality a successful experience it is essential to deeply understand the teachers involved in the process, how they live, think, feel and act faced to the implementation of these projects in their own schools.

Solange Tenorio Eitel
How to Cite
Tenorio Eitel, S. (2023). Representaciones sociales de la integración escolar: miradas en tensión. Revista Perspectivas Educacionales (REPED), (9), 209–217. Retrieved from


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Documentos y artículos
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