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Nov 23, 2023
Didactics of Mathematics; didactical transposition, Didactical Engineering, Lesson Study


We give a glimpse of the general situation of Mathematics education in the country (educational policies, elements of global diagnosis of the system, actors’ convergence); we compare and  contrast the disciplinary and pedagogical aspects of teaching; we claim that it is necessary to consider didactical concepts stricto sensu; we point out some elements epistemological in character (both in connection with methodologies and with teaching knowledge). We express the necessity of advancing in a consistent way (analysis of experimentally gotten data; requirement of theoretical frames, inclusión of the actors). On the Mathematics teachers’ training, we propose a desiderátum -la transposition didactique- and a couple of ways of action: Didactical Engineering and Lesson Study.

Arturo Mena Lorca
How to Cite
Mena Lorca, A. (2023). FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES DE MATEMÁTICAS EN CHILE. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 5(2), 9–17. Retrieved from

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