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Nov 27, 2023
linear equations, mathematical knowledge, teacher training, philosophy of mathematics


We reflec about the implicit knowledge required to solve linear equations. We gather evidence that this knowledge is based into sensible evidences and conventional pragmatic prescriptions,  which really constitute a complex knowledge that is not easy to learn. The paper shows that both the descriptive and prescriptive dimensions of mathematical knowledge are present in mathematic instruction and particularly in mathematic teachers training. Finally we suggest see the convenience of strengthening the professionalization by means of the participation into an educational community that reflects into the instructional practice, improves the didactic knowledge and stays alert to knowledge transposition, knowledge historical evolution and its social requirement.

Raimundo Olfos A.
How to Cite
Olfos A., R. (2023). EL ESTUDIO DE LAS ECUACIONES ADITIVAS EN EL MARCO DE LA FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 5(2), 37–43. Retrieved from

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